Isn't it time we started talking about real solutions not just "feel good" ideas? How much difference does it really make what kind of car you drive, Hybrid or not? Lets put it into perspective. In the next 15 years China will significantly increase the amount of fossil fuel they consume. Just the increased amount of coal that China is expected to burn by the year 2020 will emit more c02 into the atmosphere than if 3 Billion Ford Expeditions were driven 15,000 miles a year until the year 2020! That is just from one country's increase in one source of energy! It would take Ford 15 thousand years just to sell that many of these giant SUV's. Yet all the democrats can do is tell me that I need to conserve a little more by changing my light bulbs and selling my Chevy Avalanche and buy a tiny little hybrid (probably made in China) instead.
If Australia is successful in their current campaign to force all citizens to use only fluorescent light bulbs and put regular incandescent light bulbs into total extinction in their country it will reduce the total global green house gas emissions by a whopping .003% Wow! now I feel like we're getting somewhere. Give me a break these aren't real solutions to the energy crisis. This is just environmentalist lobby money trying to advance their cause.
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